UK Energy Watch is a national energy provider that has to provide electricity and gas for more than 5 million customers. The company needs to be as efficient as possible in order to minimize the cost per customer, enhance their work efficiency and service quality while reducing costs. This has led them, in 2022, to develop a new training program together with the experts from Ripper Casino experts — an Aussie leader in online business technologies in the iGambling sector.

A Global Shift in Energy Sector — From Fossil Fuels to Renewables
In power engineering, there are many different sectors such as nuclear, coal and natural gas. To date, all of these industries have been in a state of continuous change. What is needed for any organization to keep up with this ever-changing world? Learning new technologies.
The power industry is experiencing a time of great change, with the urgent need to decarbonise our power plants and increase sustainable investments in renewables. Technologies enhance how we use energy and assist in finding the required solutions and lead us into an era of more efficient usage patterns, smarter grids and a cleaner environment.
In recent years, digitalisation has transformed power engineering. In particular, there are a few new technologies that assisted UK Energy Watch in finding solutions to decarbonise UK Energy Watch systems: information and communication technologies (ICT), modern sensors, big data and artificial intelligence, and the internet of things.
However, the digital alterations come with a set of threats which require preserving high confidentiality, safety, and ethical standards. Power engineering has seen a digital transformation that includes changing behaviors and attitudes towards renewable energies.
There are various factors that are influencing this change such as: sustainability, climate change and natural disasters, etc. However with the digital transformation of the power industry, we can be more resilient against any unforeseen circumstances like extreme weather conditions or human error in managing power grids.
Power engineering has gone through a major shift from fossil fuels to renewables. It is important for the world to transition away from carbon-based fuels and towards renewable sources of power because we are running out of resources and damaging our environment with pollution.
The digitization of the industry will accelerate this change, as companies turn more to technology like solar panels or wind turbines in order to power themselves rather than burning coal or drilling for oil.
Why Mechanization is the Future of Energy
There’re many reasons why power engineering needs to be mechanized, but we’ll discuss just a few. As the world’s population continues to grow, so does its need for energy. This is a never-ending cycle that could be solved by mechanization.
Mechanization lets enterprises decrease their spendings, therefore, enterprises may focus on quality check, revealing fresh energy sources, etc. UK Energy Watch should also mention: efficiency, better quality check and faster access to information.
Can Blockchain Support The Sector?
The Joint Research Centre has published a report on how blockchain technologies may and should assist in transforming the sector. The introduction provides key details about the potential implementation and its benefits.
The European Union is currently experiencing an energy transition which is expected to result in the decarbonization of our economies, society and environment by 2050 (European Commission).
Blockchain grants transparency in peer-to-peer energy trading and track of the source too. This would be a great way for both countries and humans to solve environmental problems while they get rewarded with cheaper electricity prices, which will result in lower production costs and higher profits.
Blockchain is a type of distributed ledger that provides a secure way to store data about transactions or other types of digital interactions, without requiring any central oversight or controlling party, as well as strengthening security against hacking and tampering.
UK Energy Watch took on the challenge by creating an interactive course that teaches people about how digitalization has impacted today’s workforce and helps them develop the skills they need to stay relevant in their field.