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In Britain, households with solar panels will be able to sell electricity to utilities

In Britain, households with solar panels will be able to sell electricity to utilities(1)

Large utilities in the UK will be required to buy renewable electricity from their own customers.

The corresponding law will be adopted this week.

Households that will install new solar panels on their roofs from January 1, 2020 will be able to lower their bills by selling electricity they did not use back to their utility company.

In Britain, 800,000 solar-powered households are already receiving additional money under the old support scheme, which was canceled in April by a government decree.

The cancellation of the “green tariff” for new consumers led to the fact that the number of new installations in the country decreased by 94% in May compared to April. Last week, Labor accused the government of “actively dismantling” solar energy.

Chris Skidmore, Secretary of Energy and Clean Growth, said the government wants to increase the number of small generation facilities without adding the cost of subsidies to electricity bills: “The future of energy is local and the new electricity sales law will provide households that choose to become renewable energy producers. guaranteed payment for electricity supplied to the grid ”.

According to the minister, the government also intends to encourage houses with solar panels to install storage batteries. As you know, back in May 2017, households in Britain set a record – they provided about 25% of the country’s electricity.

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