While many individuals struggled to acquire a PS5, the PlayStation 4 remained a highly sought-after console, and it was expected to retain its popularity for several more years. Despite the presence of a newer, more powerful version, consoles often enjoy a long lifespan.
Beyond saving money on the console itself, people wondered if the PS4 was also more cost-effective in terms of power consumption compared to the latest PS5 models and other devices in their homes.
How Many Watts Does A PS4 Use?
The power consumption of a PS4 depends on the model and its usage. The original PlayStation 4 has a maximum rated wattage of 250 watts, while the slimmer version uses a maximum of 165 watts. On the other hand, the upgraded PlayStation 4 Pro consumes up to 310 watts at its peak.
The actual power usage during gaming is significantly lower than these maximum figures, with the original PS4 using around 145 watts, the PS4 Slim using approximately 110 watts, and the PS4 Pro using roughly 160 watts. The PS4 Pro’s higher consumption is expected, given its more advanced hardware and capabilities.
How Much Power Does A PS4 Use In Rest Mode?
When in Rest Mode and connected to the internet, the PS4 consumes around 3 watts. However, if it is in Rest Mode without an internet connection, it draws only 0.5 watts. Users can customize their Rest Mode settings through the PS4 menu, accessed from the home screen’s Settings section.
The menu allows users to set the duration before the PS4 automatically enters Rest Mode. Different durations can be set for media streaming and gaming. Additionally, users can enable or disable features like USB charging and internet connectivity during Rest Mode, which affects the console’s standby power consumption.
It is interesting to note that the PS4 Pro is actually more energy-efficient than the original model when idle on the dashboard or streaming media. The power usage difference between the two becomes more evident during gaming.
More details
Regardless of the PS4 model owned or planned for purchase, running the console for a year won’t result in substantial costs. The PlayStation 4’s power consumption is relatively modest, even in standby mode. For instance, 160 hours of standby mode a week without internet connectivity would only cost around half a dollar for the entire year. However, if it remains constantly connected online in standby mode, the cost increases to about $3 per year.

To wrap up
Overall, gamers can enjoy their PS4 experience with peace of mind about its power usage, especially during gaming. The wattage of PS4 consoles has been optimized to strike a balance between performance and energy efficiency. With the actual power consumption during gaming ranging from around 110 to 160 watts for the PS4 Slim and PS4 Pro, respectively, players can immerse themselves in their favorite games without worrying about excessive energy consumption.
- As long as gamers adhere to typical gaming hours and avoid leaving the console on standby mode while constantly connected to the internet, the costs of running a PS4 remain reasonable. Sony’s advancements in console design and hardware efficiency have contributed to reducing the power draw of the newer models significantly. This progress ensures that players can enjoy extended gaming sessions without a substantial impact on their utility bills;
- For those who are environmentally conscious or seek additional savings, there are practical steps to minimize power usage even further. Enabling Rest Mode with certain features disabled, such as USB charging and internet connectivity, can lead to lower standby power consumption. Additionally, setting the console to automatically enter Rest Mode after a reasonable period of inactivity helps save energy when not actively using the console.
In conclusion, the wattage of PS4 consoles aligns with modern energy efficiency standards, allowing gamers to indulge in their gaming passions without undue concern about excessive power consumption. By making simple adjustments to settings and maintaining responsible gaming habits, users can make the most of their gaming experience while being mindful of their energy usage.